A $100 non-refundable fee is due at time of booking to secure session date.

Final payment is due the day of the session.

Choose Your Package



40 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
60-90 mins
Unlimited outfit changes




40 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
60-90 mins
Unlimited outfit changes




25 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
45 mins




25 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
45 mins


Lifestyle Newborn Portraits

Lifestyle Newborn Portraits

35 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
60-90 mins

Photos in the baby's nursery, parent's bedroom, living room...anywhere that you hang out! Less posed, more natural and candid shots.


1 Year - Cake Smash

1 Year - Cake Smash

20 edited digital images
Online gallery
Printing rights
45 mins

Indoor at my home studio or outdoor at agreed upon location.


Do you have a travel fee?

There will be no travel fees when traveling within 35 miles, round trip, from my home in White Lake. However, due to the time spent traveling and the distance, any location over 35 miles, roundtrip, will incur a fee. 36-50 miles is $25. 51-65 miles is $50. 65-80 miles is a $75 fee. Anything over 80 miles can be discussed during the booking process. *This does not apply to wedding packages.

When will I receive my photos?

The final gallery link will be emailed to you 21 days after your session. I do my best to try and send out a sneak peek within 72 hours of the session but this is not guaranteed and is dependent on the season.

How many outfits can I bring?

There is not a limit on outfit changes, if it can fit into your session timeline it works.

What if I want my photos taken at two different locations?

There isn't a limit on location changes, if it can fit into your
session timeline it works. Please see information on travel fees above.

Do you recommend any locations?

Some of the locations I enjoy most are Pontiac Lake State Recreation, Kensington Metropark, Highland Recreation Area, Stony Creek Metropark, Rochester Park, Detroit Institute of Arts, Belle Isle, Eastern Market, Z Park Garage, + The Belt.

Can we bring our pet to the session?

Yessss. I absolutely love animals and of course, they're apart of the family! I do recommend adding them at the beginning of the session and keeping it short because pets tend to lose interest quickly. It's good to invite a friend or family member to assist with the pet the remainder of the session. Without a plan in place, you spend valuable session time trying to get them to cooperate. It can also be difficult to relax when you’re trying to hold your dog’s leash in your free hand!

Do you post my photos on social media?

I regularly post recent sessions on the Kat Cotton Photography Facebook and Instagram account. I completely understand that sometimes my clients are waiting to send out cards or make gifts for family + friends, so if that's pre-arranged and brought to my attention I will wait for the green light to share on socials.

Copyright vs. Print Release

A copyright is owned by the person who creates the work. From the second I snap an image, it legally belongs to me as the photographer unless I sign it away otherwise. This gives me the exclusive rights to determine how the image should be displayed and distributed. Which means I'm also the only person who can make alterations to my work. Since my name is associated with the images, I want to have complete control of how they look to ensure they are in line with my photography style that you're hiring me for!

A print release is different, it gives you permission to reproduce my images for your own personal use. If you wanted to make prints, canvases, albums, you are more than welcome to do that. However, you cannot use them for commercial reasons. For example, if you were contacted by a magazine editor that wanted to purchase your new beautiful profile picture for the cover of their next publication, you would have to decline as they are not yours to sell.

In short, with a print release:
Post to social media.
Print an unlimited amount in any form (canvas, album, etc.)
Share them with your family & friends so that they can do the same!

Edit of alter the images in any way, including cropping and adding filters.
Claim the work as your own.
Use them for commercial gain.

How does the process work?

1. Inquire

Use the contact form to inquire!

2. Sign your contract

After we've touched base on the important details, I'll send over a contract for you to review. Once you sign and your non refundable retainer is paid, your date is booked in my client calendar!

3. Personalize your experience

Every client is unique, so every session is as well. My goal is to get to know you so that I can show off the true you when it comes time to get in front of the camera!